Relieving Letter Format, Format of Relieving Letter in doc. Download Relieving Letter Format in MS Word Format. Download Various types of Relieving Letter Format in Word Format. Now check more details for “Relieving Letter Format, Format of Relieving Letter” in doc from below.
Relieving Letter Format
Here we are Providing Some Samples for Relieving Letter Format. You may check these formats online and we also upload these files in MS Word Format so After checking the Samples of Relieving Letter Format you may download these samples in MS Word. we upload many types of Relieving Letter Format. Now check Relieving Letter Format samples from below
Date :
Dear Mr. ,
This refers to your letter dated ___________ resigning from the services of the company and requesting us to relieve you by ______________
We write to inform you that your resignation has been accepted and you shall be relieved of your duties with effect from close of working hours of _______________
You are requested to hand over all the property of the company including files, correspondence, specifications, brochures, books and other documents of any nature whatsoever, to your HOD or to the person authorized by him.
We wish to re-emphasize the following clause of your terms of appointment:
- You will not disclose to any unauthorized person, either during or after your employment with the Company, for any reason, any information about the interest or business of the Company or any affiliated companies.
- You will not carry with you outside the office premises, any documents, books and other property belonging to the Company and relating to the Company affairs unless you are authorized by the management to do so.
You are requested to confirm that you have not made or retained any copy or photocopy of any of the documents made available to you during the course of your employment with us.
Your dues, if any, will be settled by the Accounts Department as per the HR policy and guideline.
Please sign a copy of this letter in token of your acceptance and confirmation of the issues mentioned above.
With best wishes,
Yours very truly,
For CAknowledge Pvt. Ltd.
Raju Chodhary
I accept and confirm the issues mentioned in the letter
- Click Here to Download Above Sample Format in Doc Format
- Download Relieving Letter Formats and Experience Certificate format
Format of Relieving Letter in doc

Relieving Letter Format 2
Check Another format for Relieving Letter or Acceptance of resignation
Ref: HR
Date: 05/08/2016
Sub: – Acceptance of resignation
Dear Mr. xx,
We are in receipt of your resignation letter dated 05th August 2016 we would like to inform you that the same has been accepted by the Company w.e.f. 00th Month 2016 and you will be relieved after the closure of office hours.
You are requested to settle your dues, if any, from the Accounts Department and obtain the clearance certificate accordingly.
For CAknowledge PVT LTD.
- Click Here to Download Above Sample Format in Doc Format
- Download Relieving Letters Format and Experience Certificate format
Relieving Letter Format 3
Subject: Relieving Order
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your resignation letter dated 24-June-2010
While accepting the same, we thank you very much for the close association you had with us during the tenure from 02-Aug-2008 to 24-June-2010
You have been relieved from your service with effect from the closing working hours of 24-June-2010
We wish you all the best in your future career.
Yours Sincerely,
Relieving Letter Format 4
Relieving Order
Employee’s Address
Dear Sir/Madam,
Relieving Order
This has reference to your resignation letter dated ___________ . This is to inform you that your resignation has been accepted and you are relieved from the services of Name of the Company on the close of working hours on Date.
You are requested to deposit the company Id and any other company property entrusted to you during your employment with us.
We wish you all success in your future endeavors.
Best Wishes,
For Company Name.,
Hope it might help you to draft the same at your end.
Amit Seth.
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Dear Giribabu
Subject: Relieving Order
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your resignation letter dated 18-January 2021
While accepting the same, we thank you very much for the close association you had with us during the tenure from 28-April-2010 to 31-January-2021
You have been relieved from your service with effect from the closing working hours of 1-Feb-2021
We wish you all the best in your future career.
Yours Sincerely,