4 Digital Marketing Hacks that Work for Every Business

4 Digital Marketing Hacks: Digital marketing (also known as online marketing) refers to all types of marketing efforts that happen on the Internet.

Raju Choudhary

4 Digital Marketing Hacks that Work for Every Business
4 Digital Marketing Hacks

4 Digital Marketing Hacks: Digital marketing (also known as online marketing) refers to all types of marketing efforts that happen on the Internet. With effective digital marketing, your business can engage customers throughout the buying process, increase customer loyalty, and target the right audience to sell products to.

Digital Marketing Hacks

Global digital marketing revenue is projected to reach approximately $794 billion in 2022. To earn some of this revenue, create effective digital marketing strategies that’ll foster the growth of your business. Here are four digital marketing tactics that’ll help you to achieve this goal.

1. Create Actionable Content

Your site may be attracting a high number of visitors, but if those visitors don’t convert into buyers, or if you’re not convincing them to give you their details using stellar lead-capturing content, you won’t make any sales.

The key to gaining leads and generating sales is to make sure you’re providing tremendous value. This means creating actionable content (full of value) that your target audience can consume continuously.


Content in this Article

You must invest in content marketing if you want to attract potential customers. Almost 60% of marketers agree that content marketing generates leads, while another 70% say it educates an audience.

2.Run Social Media Advertisements

Advertising on social media takes little effort. First, choose the right social network that’ll turn your visitors into buyers. Facebook is the most popular network with a global reach of 73%. Other popular sites include Instagram (6%) and Twitter (7%).

Test all these social platforms and collect enough data to see what works best for your digital marketing strategies. Then be sure to tie your social media ads to your respective landing pages.

Also, personalize your Facebook ads. For example, if you’re a car retailer, you can add a car stock image gallery to visually appeal to the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

3.Leverage Video Marketing

Almost 4x as many customers prefer to watch a video highlighting a product’s features rather than reading about the product.

Use videos in your content marketing efforts to capture leads, follow up on customers, and close sales more efficiently. The good thing about videos is they are easily digestible. Many of your potential customers are already watching more videos on social platforms than reading content.

4.Host Webinars

Invite your happy customers who are already using your products to your webinars as guest speakers. Webinars can help in generating quality leads for your website with little to no effort.

All you need to do to ensure your webinars are successful is to research the topic, create a series of promotional emails that act as reminders, run social media advertisements, ensure your webinars are interactive, and, most importantly, make sure they are available on demand.

Doing this will help your webinars engage more people,create long-term business opportunities, boost sales, and increase conversions. The essence of running a great digital marketing campaign is to help your customers overcome their problems by providing great solutions.

Raju Choudhary

Article by Raju Choudhary Raju has written 810 articles. If you like This post, you can follow CAknowledge on Twitter. Subscribe to CAknowledge feed via RSS or EMAIL to receive instant updates.


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