Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final Topper Nov 2014

Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final Topper Nov 2014, Read Interview of CA Final 1st Ranker Nov 2014 –Vijender Aggarwal. Read CA Final Nov 2014 Toppers

Raju Choudhary

Interview of Vijender Aggarwal

Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final Topper Nov 2014, ReadInterview of CA Final 1stRanker Nov 2014 –Vijender Aggarwal.Read CA Final Nov 2014 Toppers Interview. CA Final Topper Nov 2014 – Vijender Aggarwal Interview. Hi Friends RecentlyCA Final Result is Declared and here we are providing Interviews of CA Final Toppers Nov 2014. We also Provide Marksheet or Marks Statement of CA Final Nov 2014 1st Ranker –Vijender Aggarwal. Now you can scroll down below and Check Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final Topper Nov 2014.

Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final TopperNov 2014

Interview ofVijender Aggarwal

How does it feel to be at the top?

Ans. Th e feeling presently is a mix of happiness andcontentment; moments like these are hard to comeby and it really feels great when you get appreciatedfor all the eff orts that you have put in. More thanthe appreciation, what really matters is the sense ofaccomplishment that you experience, which reinforcesyour trust in your own abilities and motivates you toaim for bigger things in your life.

CA Final Topper Nov 2014 Vijender Aggarwal


According to you, what are the intrinsicand external factors contributing to youroutstanding success in the final exam.

Ans. Given that I just got around four months leavefor my exams, I really had to back upon my conceptual understanding of the subjects and the ability to churnaround the things quickly for getting me throughthe entire syllabus. Dealing with this huge andnever ending syllabus is a task in itself and at timesit becomes extremely important to act smartly andimprovise the things. I would say a combination ofsmart work and correct guidance from creditablepeople at the right time was a key to nailing down theexams with a good result.

What strategy/study plan did you followwhile preparing for the exam?

Ans. First and foremost, I managed to take coachingfor two subjects only – SFM and DT and for DT, Icould only attend around 30 percent of the classes andrest all the subjects I prepared on my own. I got myexam preparatory leaves near June end and from thenon, it was a step-by-step journey towards completingthe entire syllabus. I must admit that the syllabuswas huge and I won’t be lying if I say that I couldn’tmanage to complete my first revision thoroughly.As to how much time I spent studying every day, itwould be around 8-10 hours of effective study with
weekly breaks in between to catch up with friendsand movies. I am essentially a night person and I usedto study at night and then go for swimming early inthe morning. Th roughout, I never compromised onmy sleep and just divided the entire time that I hadamongst the subjects that I had to prepare.

I took one practical subject at a time andcomplemented it with a theory subject for 2-3 hoursdaily to maintain a proper balance between theoryand practical. Th ese kinds of nitty-gritties are purelypersonal and driven by one’s own comfort but theoverall focus should always be to cover the syllabuscomprehensively in a time bound manner. With theamount of syllabus that we have to cover, I think it’sextremely important to prioritize things and execute
them properly.

How have been the inputs provided by theInstitute contributed to your success inthe examinations?

Ans. Given the paucity of time, in all honesty it wasnot possible for me to refer to the detailed materialprovided by the Institute. I did refer to selectedportions of the Practice Manual for a couple ofsubjects and had a quick glance of the RTPs releasedby the Institute at the dead end just to evaluate mypreparation. Th at’s it.

What are your aspirations for the future?Do you have any specific career choice?

Ans. Th at’s like a million dollar question right now.I am currently working in indirect tax transactionadvisory and its like one of the best niche work meantfor CAs. Th ere are many options that are runningthrough my mind presently but I haven’t taken a finaldecision yet. Ideally I would like to engage myself insome higher studies before dedicating myself to workcompletely. Some serious brainstorming needs to bedone on this issue… let us see what developments takeplace on this front.

Do you think the Chartered AccountancyCourse is the gateway to achievingprofessional excellence?

Accountants are the most technically sound personsthat you would come across in so far as accounting,finance and taxation are concerned. At the sametime, it’s extremely important to realize that today’scompetitive world demands a complete personwho not only is technically sound but who alsocomplements his technical knowledge with his
soft skills. Considering the fact that the course is adistance-learning course, a large part of the onus is onthe aspirants to focus on areas other than academicsso as to ensure all round development

How would you motivate the youngstersjoining this course?

Ans. People intending to join the course or thosewho have already joined it must be mindful of thechallenges poised by the course. It may get demandingPooja R. PareekAhmedabadSecond Rank- CA FinalNovember 2014at times both academically and professionally duringthe article training stages but the entire learningimproves you as a person and as a professional. Forthose who are aspiring to start their career in financeand accounting, this course provides a great platformto build your concepts from the scratch and the articletraining, if done from a respectable place, provides themuch-needed practical exposure at a very early stagein your career. I personally believe that the IPCCstage acts as the building block for your conceptualunderstanding of the subjects concerned and the Final stage provides you the opportunity to learn how thingswork practically in the real world. Th e course, if donein its true spirit and complemented with necessaryprofessional traits and personality, definitely providesyou the base from where you can aim for bigger andbetter things in your life.

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Raju Choudhary

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