GST Enrolment App, How to use GST Enrolment Android App – All Steps

GST Enrolment App, How to use GST Enrolment Android App for GST Registration. Download GST Registration Android App from Play Store.



GST Enrolment App, How to use GST Enrolment Android App for GST Registration. Download GST Registration Android App from Play Store. Steps to use GST Enrollment Android APK. Recently GSTN Launched GST Enrolment Android App, Now all existing Taxpayers are also enrolled on GST Portal by using GST Enrolment App. GST Registration by Using GST Enrolment App, User Guide To Taxpayers for GST Enrolment App, In this article we provide Step by Step Guide for GST Enrollment or GST Registration by Using GST Enrolment App.

GST Enrolment App, How to use GST Enrolment Android App

Hi Friends First you need to Download GST Enrolment Android app from play Store, Please Download GST Enrollment App from following link..

Click Here to Download GST Enrollment Android App

Steps for Using GST Enrolment Android App

1. Landing page: User clicks on GST Enrolment App Icon, Goods and Service Tax landing page will be displayed.

  • Check I Agree check box and Click on Save and Continue button (This is mandatory check box)


2. Home page:

The GST Enrolment App has multiple tabs which are listed below

  • Business Details
  • Promoters/Partners
  • Authorized Signatory
  • Principal Place of Business
  • Additional Places of Business
  • Goods and Services
  • Bank Account
  • Verification

Initially only Business Details Tab is enabled and all the other tabs will be in disabled mode. After successfully saving the “Business Details” Tab, all the other tabs will be in enabled.

Business Details: The Business details Tab / screen have the following below listed fields

I. Details of Your Business:

  • Provisional ID*
  • Trade Name
  • State*
  • Constitution of Business*
  • Proof of Constitution of Business*
  • Image* (Take Photo / Select Photo), PDF (Select PDF)
  • Ward/Circle/Sector (These labels / fields will dynamically change as per the State hierarchy)
  • Ward/Circle/Sector – This field will list the data based on their state and user has to select their respective Ward / Circle / Sector
  • Refer this link for Centre Jurisdiction (if user clicks on this URL link it will redirect the user to
  • Commisionerate
  • Division
  • Range
  • Reason of Liability to obtain registration
  • Registration under earlier law (This is a static label)
  • Select Existing Registrations*

II Please indicate existing registration under VAT/Central Excise/Service Tax/Luxury/ Tax/Entertainment Tax applicable

  • Registration Type*
  • Registration Number*
  • Date of Registration*

Here are the important guidelines / instructions to be filled up in the Business Details Tab / Screen page

  • Provisional ID*: User has to key in the Provisional ID as provided via SMS by state commercial tax department, it will accept only two first numeric digits representing the State Code
  • Trade Name: User has to enter the Trade Name
  • State Field: App will autofill the State Name, based on the first 2 numeric digit of the Provisional ID
  • Constitution of Business: User can select Constitution of Business from the drop-down list
  • Proof of Constitution of Business*: Based on the selection of the Constitution of Business, App will display the respective values in this field
  • Ward/Circle/Sector/Division/: It will display based on the State
  • Commisionerate: It will auto populate based on the State
  • Division: Based on the Commisionerate, App will display the Division in a Drop down list
  • Range: Based on the Division, App will display the Range in a Drop down list
  • Select Existing Registrations*: User has to select the “Existing Registration” and enter the registration number and Date of registration and click on Add button to add the registration.
  • Select Existing Registrations*: If user select “Others” from the drop-down list, User has to enter 3 Mandatory fields: Registration Type, Registration Number and Date of Registration and click on Add button to add the registration.
  • After User has entered all the valid data in the fields and Clicked on the “Save and Continue ” button
  • App will display a Message: “Are you sure you want to save?”
  • On Click Yes it will show an Alert message as “Saved Successfully”.
  • Then Click “OK” it will go to Next Tab “Promoters/Partners”.

4. Promoters / Partners:

In Promoters/Partners Tab User views four buttons as mentioned below –

  • Promoters List
  • New Promoter
  • Back Button
  • Save and continue

Promoter List: In this listing page all the Promoters added by this user will be displayed

New Promoter: User can add New Promoters on click of “New Promoter” button

Now please Enter all Promoter Personal Details, Name of Father/Husband,Identity Information, Details forResidential Address in India

Now PleaseUpload All Required Documents

Save and Continue Button: User click on “Save and Continue” it will navigate to next Tab

5. Authorized Signatory

In Authorized Signatory Tab user views the four buttons

  • Authorized Signatory List
  • New Authorized Signatory
  • Back Button
  • Save and continue

Authorized Signatory List: In this listing page all the promoters marked as “Authorized Signatory” will be displayed

New Authorized Signatory: User click on New Authorized Signatory tab to add new Promoters

Please fill all require details if you want to add “New Authorized Signatory”

Save and Continue Button: User click on “Save and Continue” it will navigate to next screen i.e. “Principal Place of Business”.

6. Principal Place of Business:

Principal Place of Business

Principal Place of Business Tab / Screen provide the following fields.

  • Address:
  • Contact Information:
  • Nature of Possession of Premises*: This is drop down field user has select from the listed drop down.
  • Has Additional Business Places:Toggle ON/OFF: If User click on Toggle on it will be navigate to the Additional Place of Business tab.
  • Nature of Business Activity being carried out(You may select more than one)*: User can select more than one business activity by clicking on check box
    • Note: When User selects the check box as “Other” then “Other*” text Field will be displayed, user has to type the details of others in the provided text field.
  • Document Upload*:

7. Additional Place of Business:

In Additional Place of Business Tab / Screen User views the four buttons

Principal Place of Business
  • Additional Place List/Places of Business
  • Places of Business
  • Back Button
  • Save and Continue

8. Goods and Services:

In Goods and Services Tab / Screen User can able to view the four buttons:

Goods and Services GST
  • a. Goods
  • b. Services
  • c. Back Button
  • d. Save and Continue

Goods and Services

Details of Goods/Commodities supplied by the Business

  • List of Goods /List of Services
  • Search Text bar with Search Icon

User can Search either by entering with HSN Code or Description of the Goods in search field.

  • When User enters Code or any text in Search field it will display all the existing data base results with HSN codes and Description of the Goods.
  • User click on the searched one a pop up displays saying “Are you sure want to add?”
  • User click on “Yes” it shows an Alert message saying “Added Successfully”.
  • User Click on “OK” on Alert message the selected Goods will be display under the List of Goods Screen/Page
  • Under the List of Goods in tabular form shows as HSN code, Description of Goods and Action  Under Action Delete Icon will be display
  • User can delete the added Goods by clicking on Delete icon
  • User click on delete icon an pop up message display saying “Are you sure want to Delete?” with yes and No
  • User click on Yes an Alert Message display saying “Deleted Successfully”
  • User click on No it will remain in the list.
  • User click on Save and Continue button “Are you sure want to save?” message will be displays
  • Click Yes it will show an Alert message saying “Save

9. Bank Account:

In Bank Account Tab User is able to view the four buttons, please fill all below details in this tab..

GST Enrolment app Bank Account
  • Bank Account List
  • New Bank Account
  • Back Button
  • Save and Continue

10. Verification

User has to certify and confirm the declaration by clicking the check box in verification*

  • Authorized Signatory is the drop down list. User can find all the list of authorized signatories entered by the user in the drop down.
  • User selects any one of the list from Authorized Signatory drop down The “Designation and Date” will be auto populated based on the selection.
  • User clicks on the edit icon, she will be navigated to the “Business Details” tab for any edit or update.
  • User has to enter the Place field and Click on Save andContinue” button
  • User needs to check the Network toggle is online or offline
  • User is able to view a Pop up message saying “From here on wards, you have to be online to continue further” with No or Yes Options
  • User clicks on “Yes”. Application creates the JSON file internally in device memory and it will redirected to another screen.In New Screen user will be able to browse the internally created “JSON File” for E.g.: “PROVISONAL ID.Json

11.Redirection to Login Page for submission of application form data

Redirection to Login Page for submission of application form data

User will be redirected to the GST login page

  • User has to input the provisional ID and password (secret key) – credentials provided by the tax department)
  • After successful login the user has to enter his / her mobile no. and email id.
  • S/he will receive an OTP on her mobile no and email id. These will be two separate OTP’s.
  • User will be asked to create a user ID and password.
  • Now the user will be prompted with 5 secret questions which he needs to remember in case of retrieving his password / user ID.
  • Now the user will be redirected to login page for login with newly created credentials.
  • After successful login the user will be displayed with the upload application form data.
  • The user will click on “Browse” button and select the JSON file from the default location.
  • Once the application form data has uploaded successfully he will be displayed with “Successful” message and will receive an SMS / email after 15 mints.

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  • GST RegistrationLast Date
  • FAQs on Registration GST
  • GST Definition, Objective, Scope
  • GST Forms


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