Work Visa and Work Permit (D-Type Visa) in Romania: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreign Workers

The Work Visa and Work Permit (D-Type Visa) process in Romania is vital for foreign workers aspiring to contribute their skills and expertise to the country's.


Work Visa And Work Permit

Romania, nestled in the heart of Europe, offers a myriad of opportunities for foreign workers seeking employment in its vibrant and growing economy. Whether you’re drawn to its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, or thriving business environment, understanding the intricacies of obtaining a Work Visa and Work Permit (D-Type Visa) is crucial for a successful professional journey in Romania. This comprehensive guide, written with the help of a immigration lawyer in Romania, is designed to walk you through the essential aspects of acquiring the necessary permissions to work legally in this captivating European nation.

Understanding the Work Visa and Work Permit

Before diving into the application process, it’s essential to grasp the nuances of these two critical documents, which are pivotal for foreign nationals seeking employment in Romania.

Work Visa in Romania:

Duration:Work Visas are typically issued for up to one year, aligning with the duration of the employment contract. However, extensions are possible if the employment contract is renewed.


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Purpose:A Work Visa is the entry permit that allows foreign nationals to enter Romania for the specific purpose of engaging in employment. It is an essential document for individuals seeking work in the country.

Eligibility:To be eligible for a Work Visa, an applicant must have a confirmed job offer from a Romanian employer. This job offer serves as the foundation for the visa application.

Work Permit in Romania:

Employer’s Responsibility:Unlike the Work Visa, the Work Permit is not directly applied for by the employee. Instead, it is the responsibility of the employer to initiate and obtain the Work Permit on behalf of the prospective foreign employee.

Rights and Responsibilities:Holders of Work Permits have the right to work and reside in Romania legally. However, they must adhere to Romanian labour laws and regulations, including tax payments and contributions to the Romanian social security system.

By distinguishing between the Work Visa, which grants entry into Romania for employment purposes, and the Work Permit, which is an essential prerequisite initiated by the employer, foreign workers can go through the process more effectively and understand the roles and responsibilities associated with each document. This clarity is instrumental in ensuring a smooth transition to working in Romania.

Application Process

The application process for securing a Work Visa and Work Permit in Romania is a collaborative effort between the employer and the prospective employee. Here’s a closer look at the key steps involved:

For Employers:

  1. Job Offer:The process begins with the Romanian employer extending a formal job offer to the prospective foreign employee. This offer should comprehensively outline the terms and conditions of employment, including details such as salary, job responsibilities, and the duration of the employment contract.
  2. Work Permit Application:After the job offer has been accepted and finalized, the employer takes the crucial step of initiating the Work Permit application process. This entails submitting all the necessary documentation to the relevant Romanian authorities responsible for issuing work permits. The application includes the employment contract and other supporting documents, as required by the specific circumstances and job position.
  3. Processing Time:The processing time for Work Permits can vary based on the complexity of the application, the jurisdiction, and other factors. Employers should plan ahead to ensure a smooth transition for the foreign employee.

For Employees:

  1. Visa Application:Once the Work Permit is successfully obtained by the employer from Romanian authorities, the prospective employee can proceed with the Work Visa application. This application is typically submitted at the Romanian embassy or consulate in the applicant’s home country.
  2. Required Documents:The applicant must submit a well-prepared visa application, which includes the Work Permit, a valid passport, and other documents as specified by the embassy or consulate. These documents may include proof of health insurance, financial means, and a clean criminal record certificate.
  3. Medical Examination:Depending on the type of employment and the specific requirements, some applicants may be required to undergo a medical examination to ensure they meet the health standards necessary for employment in Romania.
  4. Visa Interview:In some cases, the applicant may be required to attend a visa interview at the embassy or consulate to discuss their application and qualifications.

Understanding the collaborative nature of the application process, where employers play a pivotal role in securing the Work Permit and employees are responsible for the subsequent Work Visa application, is crucial for a successful and legally sound employment experience in Romania. Open communication between employers and employees is key to ensuring all requirements are met in a timely manner, leading to a smooth transition to working in this charming European nation.

Rights and Responsibilities


  1. Legal Employment:Holders of Work Visas and Work Permits have the fundamental right to engage in legal employment within Romania. This includes both skilled and unskilled labour, self-employment, and participation in various business activities.
  2. Residence in Romania:Work Visa and Work Permit holders are granted the right to reside in Romania for the duration specified in their permits. This legal residence status allows them to live in the country while actively participating in the workforce.
  3. Social Benefits:Work Visa holders often have access to social benefits provided by the Romanian government. These benefits may include healthcare coverage, access to education for dependents, and other social services.
  4. Taxation:While employed in Romania, foreign workers with Work Visas and Work Permits are responsible for paying taxes as required by Romanian tax regulations. This includes income tax and other applicable taxes.
  5. Contributions:Holders of Work Permits are typically required to contribute to the Romanian social security system. These contributions help fund social benefits and services available to residents in Romania.


  1. Compliance with Local Laws:Work Visa and Work Permit holders must adhere to Romanian labour laws and regulations. This includes following employment contracts, abiding by working hours, and complying with safety standards in the workplace.
  2. Tax Payments:Holders of Work Permits are responsible for accurately reporting and paying their taxes in accordance with Romanian tax laws. This includes income tax, social security contributions, and any other applicable taxes.
  3. Reporting Changes:Any significant changes in employment status, such as changing jobs or employers, must be reported to the relevant Romanian authorities. Failure to do so can lead to legal complications.
  4. Renewal and Extensions:It is the responsibility of the foreign worker to ensure that their Work Visa and Work Permit are renewed or extended as necessary to maintain their legal status in Romania.
  5. Exit and Re-entry:Work Visa holders should be aware of the requirements for exiting and re-entering Romania, especially if they plan to travel outside the country during their employment.

Understanding these rights and responsibilities is crucial for foreign workers in Romania. Compliance with local laws and regulations not only ensures a legally sound employment experience but also contributes to the overall integration and success of foreign nationals in the Romanian workforce. It’s advisable for both employers and employees to be well-informed and maintain open communication to ensure all obligations are met during the course of employment in Romania.

Extension and Renewal

Work Visas and Work Permits in Romania are typically issued for specific job positions and employers. However, under certain circumstances and conditions, they can be extended or renewed, allowing foreign workers to continue their employment in the country.


  1. Contract Renewal:If the employment contract with the same employer is renewed, the Work Visa and Work Permit can often be extended to match the new contract’s duration. This is a common scenario when an employee and employer mutually agree to continue the working relationship.
  2. Continuous Employment:Maintaining continuous employment with the same employer can often facilitate the extension of both the Work Visa and Work Permit. Employers must notify the relevant Romanian authorities of any changes in employment status.
  3. Meeting Requirements:Extension applications typically require that the foreign worker continues to meet the initial requirements for obtaining the Work Visa and Work Permit. This includes adhering to labour laws, paying taxes, and contributing to social security.


  1. Changing Employers:If a foreign worker wishes to change employers in Romania, they may need to obtain a new Work Permit and Work Visa for the new job position. This process is akin to starting the application process anew, with the new employer taking responsibility for securing the necessary permits.
  2. Job Transition:Changing job positions or fields may also require the foreign worker to obtain a new Work Permit and Work Visa if the new role does not align with the original permit’s conditions.
  3. Duration Limits:It’s essential to be aware of any duration limits imposed on Work Visas and Work Permits. Renewal may not always be possible if the maximum permitted duration has been reached.
  4. Planning Ahead:Foreign workers and employers should plan ahead to ensure that renewal or extension applications are submitted in a timely manner. Delays in the renewal process can lead to interruptions in employment.

It’s crucial for foreign workers and their employers to be proactive and well-informed about the extension and renewal process. Keeping track of expiration dates and complying with Romanian immigration and labour laws is essential to maintaining legal status and a seamless employment experience in Romania. Consulting with immigration experts or legal professionals can be invaluable in going through these processes effectively.


The Work Visa and Work Permit (D-Type Visa) process in Romania is vital for foreign workers aspiring to contribute their skills and expertise to the country’s thriving job market. With an understanding of the application process, rights, responsibilities, and the crucial role of employers in securing Work Permits, foreign nationals can embark on a rewarding professional journey in Romania, all while experiencing the rich culture and opportunities that this enchanting European nation has to offer.


Christopher Williams is a writer based out of New York. Christopher is the Entertainment and Finance Freelance News Writer for He was brought on to the staff in January 2016. The passion for music and sports and Finance has always been there and being able to share it through writing is extremely fulfilling for him. Williams looks to bring the very best content for the site.


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