Difference Between AOA & MOA, AOA vs. MOA: Detailed Info

Difference Between AOA & MOA

The memorandum and articles of association of a company are the most important documents for the formation of a company and for its functioning thereafter. The memorandum of association contains the name, situation of registered office, objects, capital, and liability clauses. The articles are its bye-laws or rules and regulations that govern the management and … Read more

Difference Between Formal and Informal Communication with Chart

Difference Between Formal and Informal Communication

Difference Between Formal and Informal Communication with Comparison Chart: We can let others know our thoughts and views by Communicating with them. It is only because of this communication that human civilization has developed beyond words. Had we not been able to properly communicate, we would have lagged far behind. Thus, communication has played a great role … Read more

Difference between Developed & Developing Countries – Analysis

Difference between Developed & Developing Countries

Every nation desires that it should be counted as a Developed Nation, however, there is a long list of nations which are in the category of Developing Nations. Even ours is one of them. We, the citizens of India, definitely want that our Country should be counted in the Developed Nations and for this we … Read more

Difference between Share and Stock, Shares vs. Stocks:

Difference between Share and Stock

Difference between Share and Stock. As per Section 61, Companies Act, 2013, the company can convert its shares which are fully paid up, into stock. Share is a type of security, which signifies ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on the part of the corporation’s assets and earnings. As one acquires more shares, his … Read more

Difference between Management and Administration with chart

Difference between Management and Administration

Difference between Management and Administration: We all know that Administration & Management are two very important aspects of any organization. Administration is performed by the Administrator while the person performing the Management Decision is called the Manager. Without a proper functioning of these two departments and also without lack of co-operation between the two units, the … Read more

Difference between Cash Flow Analysis and Funds Flow Analysis

Difference between Cash Flow Analysis and Funds Flow Analysis

Difference between Cash Flow Analysis and Funds Flow Analysis: Companies are evaluated on the basis of their financial performance. But the liquidity of a company is also important. To know the cash generated from different activities, like investing, financing, and operating activities cash flow statement is prepared. It is also used as one of the … Read more

Difference Between Pre Incorporation Contracts & Provisional Contracts

Difference Between Pre Incorporation Contracts & Provisional Contracts

Difference Between Pre Incorporation Contracts & Provisional Contracts: A company being an artificial person can contract only through its agents. A contract will be binding on a company only, if it is made on its behalf by any person acting under its authority, express or implied. The powers of the company are defined by its … Read more