Don’t Quit CA – You are Fit for CA – Motivational Article for CA Students

Don't Quit CA - You are Fit for CA, Hi Friends In these days Many Students Leave CA for Various Reasons, We don't know all reasons but here we are providing


Don't Quit CA, You are Fit for CA

Don’t Quit CA – You are Fit for CA, Hi Friends In these days Many Students Leave CA for Various Reasons, We don’t know all reasons but here we are providing an Special Article on “Why You don’t quite CA”. Here we are providing A Special article for Why You shouldn’t quit CA. Now you can scroll down below and Reada special guidefor “Don’t Quit CA – You are Fit for CA”. If you have any query than please tell us via comments box we try to resolve your query as soon possible.

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Don’t Quit CA – You are Fit for CA

“Winners never quit and quitters never win”.If you strongly determined to complete a task then you shouldn’t quit the task in the middle .Chartered accountancy being considered as one of the toughest courses in India.But there are many instances that stood as an evidence to prove that “you don’t need to be excellent performer in studies”. Only thing required is strong determination and commitment ,dedication.


If you have chosen Chartered accountancy as your career and wish to lead your professional life as CA then you shouldn’t quit in the middle after encountering some failures. Remember ” Failure means how one shouldn’t do that task “. Failure make you to learn that you have an another way of completing the task. So you need to search for that way by changing your efforts ,planning ,timing ,presenting.

“The illiterate of 21st century will not be those who can’t read and write ,but those who can’t learn ,unlearn ,relearn”. – Alvin Toffler.

So ,be cautious while choosing your ambition and put your 100% efforts to achieve it. Being a student of India’s one of the toughest courses you need to work smart rather than hard. Follow the suggestions of your lecturers ,friends ,seniors ,superiors as much as possible.

“Success doesn’t mean the absence of failures ,it means the attainment of ultimate objects and winning the war ,not every battle”
– Edward Bliss

Even though you have a habit of studying for very little amount of time ,you have to pay 100% attention on what you do. Follow the tips of motivational speakers to improve your concentration.Regularly be in touch with some sources of motivation. Sometimes you may not present better in exams even though you had better preparation ,due to some reason like stress ,fear of exams , lack of confidence. Start doing meditation for a while regularly to overcome all those problems gradually. Try to know the experience of your seniors who have achieved their goals successfully.
Hope these lines may help you to some extent at least .
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I'm currently working as an intern.I'm passionate about entrepreneurship and technology. Feel free to ask your queries by reaching me at or my Facebook profile.

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  1. hii..sir..gud evng
    i have attempted abt 4 times….iam prepared well for examz…in my institute iam d topper in law paper…bt while coming to examz…iam again nd again becoming loser…how i can overcome diz difficulties…plzzzz…tell me sir


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