Justin started his political career in 2008 by getting the nomination for the Liberal Party in Papineau, Quebec. Despite being rich, he won numerous federal elections and became a Member of Parliament. He became the head of the Liberal Party in 2013 and brought new fellows to the party with his modernizing steps.

Justin Trudeau became Canada’s Prime Minister in 2015. He created laws about marijuana and rights for individuals who feel like a separate gender. He wanted different types of people to work in the government. He also attempted to make things more suitable for the Indigenous groups.

Outside the country, Justin cared about performing together with many other governments, supporting the atmosphere, and making profitable business deals. However, some individuals didn’t like how he worked because they believed he got involved in politics too much and did things that weren’t reasonable when he went on a costly holiday.

JustinTrudeau supported the Liberal Party from a young age, offering his support to party leader John Turner in the 1988 federal election. Following his father’s death, Justin Trudeau became more involved with the Liberal Party throughout the 2000s.


On April 29, 2007, Justin Trudeau won theLiberal party’s nomination, picking up 690 votes to 350 for Deros and 220 for Giordano against Mary Deros, a Montreal city councilor and Basilio Giordano, the publisher of a local Italian-language newspaper.

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