Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final Topper Nov 2014, Readandnbsp;Interview of CA Final 1standnbsp;Ranker Nov 2014 –Vijender Aggarwal.andnbsp;Read CA Final Nov 2014 Toppers Interview. CA Final Topper Nov 2014 – Vijender Aggarwal Interview. Hi Friends Recentlyandnbsp;CA Final Result is Declared and here we are providing Interviews of CA Final Toppers Nov 2014. We also Provide Marksheet or Marks Statement of CA Final Nov 2014 andnbsp;1st Ranker –Vijender Aggarwal. Now you can scroll down below and Check Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final Topper Nov 2014.

Interview of Vijender Aggarwal – CA Final Topperandnbsp;Nov 2014

Interview ofandnbsp;Vijender Aggarwal

How does it feel to be at the top?andnbsp;

Ans. Th e feeling presently is a mix of happiness andandnbsp;contentment; moments like these are hard to comeandnbsp;by and it really feels great when you get appreciatedandnbsp;for all the eff orts that you have put in. More thanandnbsp;the appreciation, what really matters is the sense ofandnbsp;accomplishment that you experience, which reinforcesandnbsp;your trust in your own abilities and motivates you toandnbsp;aim for bigger things in your life.

CA Final Topper Nov 2014 Vijender Aggarwal


According to you, what are the intrinsicandnbsp;and external factors contributing to yourandnbsp;outstanding success in the final exam.

Ans. Given that I just got around four months leaveandnbsp;for my exams, I really had to back upon my conceptual andnbsp;understanding of the subjects and the ability to churnandnbsp;around the things quickly for getting me throughandnbsp;the entire syllabus. Dealing with this huge andandnbsp;never ending syllabus is a task in itself and at timesandnbsp;it becomes extremely important to act smartly andandnbsp;improvise the things. I would say a combination ofandnbsp;smart work and correct guidance from creditableandnbsp;people at the right time was a key to nailing down theandnbsp;exams with a good result.

What strategy/study plan did you followandnbsp;while preparing for the exam?

Ans. First and foremost, I managed to take coachingandnbsp;for two subjects only – SFM and DT and for DT, Iandnbsp;could only attend around 30 percent of the classes andandnbsp;rest all the subjects I prepared on my own. I got myandnbsp;exam preparatory leaves near June end and from thenandnbsp;on, it was a step-by-step journey towards completingandnbsp;the entire syllabus. I must admit that the syllabusandnbsp;was huge and I won’t be lying if I say that I couldn’tandnbsp;manage to complete my first revision thoroughly.andnbsp;As to how much time I spent studying every day, itandnbsp;would be around 8-10 hours of effective study with
weekly breaks in between to catch up with friendsandnbsp;and movies. I am essentially a night person and I usedandnbsp;to study at night and then go for swimming early inandnbsp;the morning. Th roughout, I never compromised onandnbsp;my sleep and just divided the entire time that I hadandnbsp;amongst the subjects that I had to prepare.

I took one practical subject at a time andandnbsp;complemented it with a theory subject for 2-3 hoursandnbsp;daily to maintain a proper balance between theoryandnbsp;and practical. Th ese kinds of nitty-gritties are purelyandnbsp;personal and driven by one’s own comfort but theandnbsp;overall focus should always be to cover the syllabusandnbsp;comprehensively in a time bound manner. With theandnbsp;amount of syllabus that we have to cover, I think it’sandnbsp;extremely important to prioritize things and execute
them properly.

How have been the inputs provided by theandnbsp;Institute contributed to your success inandnbsp;the examinations?

Ans. Given the paucity of time, in all honesty it wasandnbsp;not possible for me to refer to the detailed materialandnbsp;provided by the Institute. I did refer to selectedandnbsp;portions of the Practice Manual for a couple ofandnbsp;subjects and had a quick glance of the RTPs releasedandnbsp;by the Institute at the dead end just to evaluate myandnbsp;preparation. Th at’s it.

What are your aspirations for the future?andnbsp;Do you have any specific career choice?

Ans. Th at’s like a million dollar question right now.andnbsp;I am currently working in indirect tax transactionandnbsp;advisory and its like one of the best niche work meantandnbsp;for CAs. Th ere are many options that are runningandnbsp;through my mind presently but I haven’t taken a finalandnbsp;decision yet. Ideally I would like to engage myself inandnbsp;some higher studies before dedicating myself to workandnbsp;completely. Some serious brainstorming needs to beandnbsp;done on this issue… let us see what developments takeandnbsp;place on this front.

Do you think the Chartered Accountancyandnbsp;Course is the gateway to achievingandnbsp;professional excellence?

Accountants are the most technically sound personsandnbsp;that you would come across in so far as accounting,andnbsp;finance and taxation are concerned. At the sameandnbsp;time, it’s extremely important to realize that today’sandnbsp;competitive world demands a complete personandnbsp;who not only is technically sound but who alsoandnbsp;complements his technical knowledge with his
soft skills. Considering the fact that the course is aandnbsp;distance-learning course, a large part of the onus is onandnbsp;the aspirants to focus on areas other than academicsandnbsp;so as to ensure all round development

How would you motivate the youngstersandnbsp;joining this course?

Ans. People intending to join the course or thoseandnbsp;who have already joined it must be mindful of theandnbsp;challenges poised by the course. It may get demandingandnbsp;Pooja R. Pareekandnbsp;Ahmedabadandnbsp;Second Rank- CA Finalandnbsp;November 2014andnbsp;at times both academically and professionally duringandnbsp;the article training stages but the entire learningandnbsp;improves you as a person and as a professional. Forandnbsp;those who are aspiring to start their career in financeandnbsp;and accounting, this course provides a great platformandnbsp;to build your concepts from the scratch and the articleandnbsp;training, if done from a respectable place, provides theandnbsp;much-needed practical exposure at a very early stageandnbsp;in your career. I personally believe that the IPCCandnbsp;stage acts as the building block for your conceptualandnbsp;understanding of the subjects concerned and the Final andnbsp;stage provides you the opportunity to learn how thingsandnbsp;work practically in the real world. Th e course, if doneandnbsp;in its true spirit and complemented with necessaryandnbsp;professional traits and personality, definitely providesandnbsp;you the base from where you can aim for bigger andandnbsp;better things in your life.

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