Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, Sukanya Samriddhi Interest Rates 2025

Sukanya Samridhi Yojana: SSY Account Scheme is a small deposit scheme for girl child, as part of ‘"Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao"’ campaign.


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  1. Sir I am having a daughter of age 3 yrs and want to open an account in Sukanya Samridhi Yojna and want my premium to be deducted from my salary account in SBI. Is there possible to do so ? If yes, pl guide me, how i
    should process for the same.

    • Dear abdul,

      Thanks for reaching out to clarify your doubts regarding Sukanya samridhi yojana (SSY).

      First of all consult the bank in which you are having ur salary account and ask them whether they are providing this scheme related services and discuss with them. If they don’t provide services related to SSY then contact the another banker who provides the same and make arrangements with your salary account banker to transfer the respective amount for SSY to the bank where u open SSY account.

      Thanks & Best regards

      venkatrao p

      • Hi Venkat,

        You are right. But the sad part is none of the banks are providing any facility to open the account. In fact I have visited in few banks: SBI, HDFC, Andhra Bank etc and they are not at all aware about the scheme. So only option now is post office only.

        As soon as the banks will provide option to open this account, people will able to enjoy more benefits like automatic money transfer.

  2. Hi Venkat Rao Pamidi,

    I have one request pertaining to this scheme.
    I request you to please help me in understanding this scheme through a mathematical formula using one example. Like if my daughter is 3 years old and I am opening a account for her and I choose monthly interest and say paying 1000 rupees monthly up to her age of 21years, so what will be the maturity value I will be getting for her on completing the plan. OR you can take any other example also as per your wish.
    If possible, can you please share the formula also, as I have to explain this is my elders in my village.

    Also, there are many other schemes from various banks , I request you to please explain me how it is different from those schemes?

    Thanks in advance. 🙂

    With Thanks and Great Regards,
    Gaurav Dalal

  3. Dear Gaurav ,

    I’m sorry that I couldn’t answer your queries at the time u asked itself. I was in office at that time.

    Interest in this scheme is to be decided by the government of India for every year. It depends on their fiscal policies to be implemented in respective years. For the financial year 2014_15 it’s 9.1% and 8.7%
    for 2015_16.
    In this scheme interest is compounded annually, here u can get a doubt that if I invest some amount say 1000 per month then ,whether they calculate the interest on 12000 at the end or interest is arrived by
    summing up the each month’s accumulated interest. Answer is they calculate interest for each month without compounding but add the total interest to principle amount you deposited during the whole year.

    For example
    As said by you if you deposit 1000 per month every year and interest % is 9.1 per annum which means 9.1/12*100=0.007583333333 is the monthly
    m- month and I – interest

    Interest =(opening balance amount eligible for the month ie your deposit in that month before 5th) * monthly I rate

    m.1. I= (0 1000)*0.007583 =7.583
    .m.2. I=(1000 1000)*0.007583=15.167
    m.12. (11000 1000)*0.0078533=91

    If you do like this then u can get interest for every month and total for the year is 592 this is added to your principle amount at the end of year ie total amount at the end is 12592 This way you can assess the total maturity amount based on your investment.

    Thanks n regards

    • dear sir, can you please explain that, is it possible that interest rate i.e. 9.1% will be consist in every year as per provided rate, if not then how it will be worked?

      please must give practical answer.

  4. Dear sir,
    plz help me for Suknya Smridhi Yojna i have dout if we deposit 1000/- per month than total yearly amount is 12000 and to according in plan intrest is 9.1 than total amount (12000*9.1/100=1092) than total yearly amount 13092 .


    • Dear bhuwan ,

      Once please check the method of interest calculation in my reply to Gaurav dalal’s question.Because in this interest is compounded annually but as u deposit some amount monthly the interest is calculated monthly and added at the end.

      Thanks n regards

      Venkatrao P

    • Dear Rajesh ,

      Please read the above post carefully. The rate of interest on this scheme is determined and announced by the Government of India every year depends on issues in their fiscal policy ,And for this financial year it’s 9.1 and 8.7 for 2015-16. Thus interest rates are fluctuating in nature ,So one can’t calculate the maturity amount that will fetch at the time of maturity or withdrawal of the account.

      Thanks & regards

      Venkatrao P.

  5. Will the interest be paid during the period after 14 years are completed till the 21st year when the account is matured? Because the excerpt on this site says:

    ‘Interest will be compounded yearly and will be credited to account till the account completes fourteen years from the date of opening’

    • Dear Nipun,

      Interest on this scheme is credited to the account even after 14yrs and those lines in the post are an oversight while writing the post ……..
      Thank u very much for letting us know.

      Venkatrao P.

  6. Hello Venkat,

    Thanks for the Complete Details for Sukanya Samridhi Yojana.

    I’m an Indian and my daughter is US Born Citizen. Is she eligible for this Sukanya Samridhi Yojana scheme ?

    Could you please check and let me know ?

    Dinesh Kumar

    • Nope. She don’t have Indian Citizenship. But having POI Card. Currently she is in California. She is 6 years old.

      Please help.


      • Hi Dinesh ,

        To the best of my knowledge ,till now there’s no provision that allows to open an account on the name of a non resident child. The main motto of this scheme itself is to encourage the investment in India girl child prosperity so that in long run the sex ratio in India will be balanced.

      • hi sir i wana asked u if unfortunately jis k name s suknya
        dhan yoyna chal rhi wo died ho jaye is case mei kya hoga . if carry on 3 years that it happend

  7. Hi Venkat Rao Padmidi Sir,

    My self Suresh Kumar from Patana, now i am having a daughter of age about 3 years and i want to open an account under Sukanya Samirdhi Yojna but 3-4 times i have consulted to bank (SBI, Doctors Colony Branch, Kankarbagh, Patna-20 and SBI HQ Branch, Patna also), they are always telling that “till date i have not received andy circulars or guidelines without circulars/guidelines i will not open any account under Sukanya Samirdhi Yojna”.

    However, it is also want to my premium to be deduct from my salary account which is i am having in SBI, whether it is possible ?

    Kinldy guide/help me.

    Thanking you.

  8. Dear Suresh,

    you better to approach a post office and make further enquiries.
    And u can’t get the deposit deducted from salary account because this
    scheme has not been that much developed till….it’s in the
    implementation phase…u can get it transfer through online after some

  9. Hi,

    My child born on 3/1/2015 and now she completed three months and looking to apply for Sukanya Samridhi Yojana.

    My question is: To open this account does my baby require name. Because, when I asked the same question in P.O they said it is not compulsory, but when i went to apply for this scheme they asked for the baby name, without the name of my baby they will accept the application seems. So I am little confused. Please help me.

    And also, please let me know when is the last date to apply for this scheme.

    Thanks & Regards,

  10. Dear sir,
    I have a query regarding sukanya smridhi between of 14 year if I died and no one is there to deposit the rest of amoumt..than what will happen with the deposit amount and sukanya yojna..plz rply me…

  11. sir my daouter is 9 year old 15 may 2015 hamara home town jamshedpur jharkhand hai aur mera job and my family guwahati me hai kya mai suknya dev yojna kar sakta hu pl adwise sir

  12. What If people misuses this policy…..I meant just to get good returns, people can invest and while marrying gal child if they spend only 1/4th of amount. This way people can invest to get good returns…what you have to say about it

  13. Currently my daughter age is 6. If I open this account, I need to deposit for next 14 years or till her age reach 14. In that case if I plan her marriage on her 22 age,. I will get the full amount or only partiall.

  14. Dear Sir,

    I visited to main branch of SBI Gurgaon even other bank branches to open Sukanya Samridhi Yojana account but in response from SBI employee I recived that we don’t have any intimation regarding it so we are not able to open the account. Please suggest a bank where I can open SSY account for my daughter.

    Warm Regards,
    Vishal Kumar

    • Dear vishal kumar
      To the best of my knowledge Banks are not intimated officially by their head official regarding this scheme…. It takes some time and you better to enquire in post office. Only some banks were informed by their heads regarding this scheme till today

  15. Dear sir,

    Could you please tell the last date for this scheme

    I have a question that if i’m not able to deposit the amount for few month then is it possible to deposit in next month with additional amount.

    Please help me with this information.

    • Dear Suhas

      Till now the government of india has not announced any last date for this scheme and the govt is not clear about detailed administration of this scheme ….so we have to wait for some time to know whether it’s possible to deposit the amount of previous month in next month

        • Without DOB certificate it is not possible to open the account , So please obtain the Date of birth certificate from concerned authorities and open SSY account

    • Dear suhas,

      There is no last date for this scheme as such. You can open an SSY Account till the age of 10 yrs of the girl child and at any time of the year.

      And coming to the depositing the amount….You can deposit the amount in multiples of 100 at any point of time and any number of times but it should be between Rs. 1000/- to 150000/- per annum. But you should revive your account every year by depositing a minimum amount of Rs 1000/-. Even if you could not deposit or revive your account for 1 yr, you can revive it next year by paying an extra amount of Rs. 50/-.

      Thanks & Regards

  16. Thanks for this compilation Venkat. Key concerns
    1. Post offices have started this scheme first. Banks not yet notified fully.
    2. Approaching a post office to find out about this scheme is very cumbersome as per my experience in Mumbai. They are not very helpful staff in giving information. They only will fill up the form and ask you for docs, but questions are not answered properly.
    They also don’t confirm if money can be deposited in any branch or one has to go to that post office only.
    3. All banks are not ready for this yet.
    I am still trying to locate a bank for starting this scheme as post offices have not been helpful.

    • Hi Ritesh,

      Till now the govt of India has not announced any last for opening this account. But there’s even no sign about this. So u better to open this account at earliest possible.


    • Hi Pintu,

      Even though the central govt of India has made agreements regarding thus scheme , unfortunately in implementation at ground level this scheme is still at bottom.It may be due to the carelessness of banks or any other concerned authority’s ignorance.

      “My suggestion to you is go and enquire in a post office that is well runned with latest updates made by central govt.

    • Hi Pintu,

      Even though the central govt of India has made agreements regarding thus scheme , unfortunately in implementation at ground level this scheme is still at bottom.It may be due to the carelessness of banks or any other concerned authority’s ignorance.

      “My suggestion to you is go and enquire in a post office that is well runned with latest updates made by central govt.”

    • there is a good tax benefit…amount invested in this scheme is eligible for deduction under sec 80c of income tax act with a limit of 1,50,000 per year and the interest earned is totally exempted from tax and the maturity amount also exempted

  18. DEAR SIR,


    • Hello Supriya ,

      Once clearly read the above post .
      Minimum amount of deposit “per annum” must be greater than or equals to 1000 . And it’s our choice to decide the monthly contributions.

  19. GOOD SCHEME but i know that if death of depoister then who will pay money ?

    if any insurence cover please tell me

    • Hi Raj tilak

      If the depositor dies then the concerned authorities where one opens this account will ask for other guardian who can continue the deposits in the future…….. 1)if there are any one in the family who accepts this then they can carry on as usual.
      2)if no one is there to continue then the amount is paid to the family under which the girl child is being looked after. Or the the account may be continued ,even though there are any new deposits and earn income as usual.

  20. I am staying in bangalore, i dont have local id proof. is that possible to open account, i have my DL and other id in tamil nadu address. Kindly advice

    • Yes it’s possible to open with these proof of ids but you should have some I’d proof about your local address and working in bangalore

    • Interest on the amount deposited in sukanya samridhi account is credited at the rate specified by government of India every year….. It changes for every year so it’s not possible to compute the maturity amount now itself

  21. Hello. I wanted to that my daughter is 6 years old and she is a child of special needs, she has celebral palsy, can I open an account in ss?

  22. In case of Monthly Deposit:-

    You are saying that interest will be calculated on monthly basis but Notification on Indian Post site is showing that “Rate of interest 9.2% Per Annum(w.e.f 1-4-2015),CALCULATED ON YEARLY BASIS ,Yearly compounded.”

    So i am having confusion regarding this and i request you to explain this what is correct.

    Thank You

    • Dear Kanhaiya Kalani

      To the best of my knowledge they ask you for a fixed denomination that you can carry on depositing in future and govt is not clear on the facility of changing contributions periodically…. Information is yet to be given by govt

  23. Thanks Venkat. You are doing a good service for this less known scheme
    1. Is it necessary that the installment should be same through out the 14 years? Can we vary it every month anywhere between Rs 1000 to Rs 1.5 Lakhs
    2. What happens if we skip for a couple of months ?

    • Dear ASN Murthy

      As this scheme allows to deposit monthly or yearly there are two things to be known in calculation of interest
      1.for yearly contributions no confusion…. Interest is compounded annually
      2.for monthly contribution interest is credited for every month but compounded on yearly basis…. For calculation of monthly contribution please go through my reply to the question of Gaurav Dalal

      • Sir

        Depositing Amount Monthly is better or yearly is better because i saw in some article yearly will give more benefit is it true..?

  24. Hi,

    Already visited SBI and ANDHRA BAnk, They have not receved any circular yet regarding the scheme.

    My daughter’s age is 2 years only, I would like to invest Rs.60000.00 Annually, What would be the return post maturity.

    Please confirm.

    Deepak Kumar Mohanty

    • Dear Deepak

      Interest on this scheme is announced by govt of India every financial year…. So it’s not possible to calculate the maturity amount now itself
      And banks are not informed by their head official regarding this scheme…. In last month RBI has issued a circular to banks that don’t make any delay in implementation of this scheme

  25. Dear Sir,




    • Dear Sunil

      You can not open account in this scheme. Please read age limitation paragraph. It’s like a transitional period in taxation. Account can be opened up to age of 10 years only from the date of birth. For initial operations of Scheme, one year grace has been given. With the grace, Girl child who is born between 2.12.2003 & 1.12.2004 can open account up to 1.12.2015

  26. I have read carefully regarding the sukanya scheme. could you please tell me is there any scheme for childs either government or in private sector which is best for long term or short term.

    it will be grateful


  27. Sir,
    I am opening the account SSY 1000/ AM but I want increase the mount 10000-12000 per Annam is that possible, kindly tel me

  28. I have a 3 years baby ,i was opened account also,but when baby is dead what about the policy, can we get the money back ?Means what we paid that amount .


      • Dear Bharat

        In the event of death of the account holder, the account shall be closed immediately on production of death certificate issued by the competent authority, and the balance at the credit of the account shall be paid along with interest till the month preceding the month of premature closure of the account , to the guardian of the account holder.

    • Dear Ashok Pandey

      Net banking is not facilitated to this scheme till now… probably the govt may arrange for the same in near future to better administrate

  29. If I open Sukanya Account in the name of my daughter (DOB: 20.07.2007) by depositing maximum amount of Rs. 150000/- every year. Then How much amount I will get after maturity? Can you calculate please?

    • Hi Ashok Pandey

      As the rate of interest is ever changing in nature yearly.. it’s not possible to compute the maturity amount now.

  30. Hi,

    I have opted to deposit Rs 1000 pm in this scheme intially then in future if i wish to increase the monthly installment amount then will it be possible.

    Amit Pandey

    • Hi Amit pandey ,

      Yes ,it’s possible to increase the monthly installment amount but it should be a multiple of 100

  31. 1. Now in this year interest rate is declared 9.1% . every year interest rate will change more or less. so i want to deposit one time for 14 years. i.e if i will deposit 1000 per month, yearly will be 12000.
    12000 X 14(Years) = 168000/- for 14 years deposit. if i will deposit one time 168000 . it will be calculate 9.1% interest or not. i want to deposit one time for 14 years.
    2. after 21 years who is withdraw money. girl or guardian or both
    please guide me.

    • Dear Prasanta Kumar Nayak

      1.No one time deposit for whole period of scheme is not allowed. And interest rate is decided by govt on yearly basis.

      2.Girl child is the ultimate nominee until she is alive. Guardian also can get the amount if he can submit appropriate evidence that it is on behalf of girl child

  32. Hello Sir,
    What are the Tax implications of the returns. Though the principal amount is covered under 80C. How about the yearly interest, is it taxed or tax-free like that of PPF. And will the proceeds of maturity taxed or tax-free like PPF.


  33. Dear Venkat
    Thanks a lot for sharing the details about the SSY scheme. I have one doubt in my mind. My daughter age is 8 at present. Now if I open an account under this scheme then I have to invest for 14 years, that means my daughter will become 22 years old. Than we have to wait for another 7 years for maturity. Is it right? And suppose I deposit 1.5 lakhs per annum in this account and for calculation purpose taking 8.5 % interest as an average per year what will be the maturity amount (after completion of 21 years). Please answer.

        • Dear Dhiren,

          If she gets married after attaining majority ie, 18yrs the account will be matured on submission of documents related to witness the marriage. If she won’t get married then u have to wait till 21 yrs from date of opening is elapsed ,meanwhile if she gets married then account becomes matured.

  34. Sir, I have a daughter of 7 Years. I have a doubt about its maturity period. Someone told me it will mature after 21 years. That means if I opened this account now then in will mature when my daughter will 28 (7+21) of age. If my daughter gets married before age of 28 then how can i withdraw the money. Please tell me more about yhis

  35. Respected Sir,

    I have 5 years old daughter i want to open her account of SSY for 1000 per month,
    sir i want to know that i can increase the amount of instalment after opening a/c of 1000.

    thanks with regards.

    • Dear manjit kaur

      yes, you can increase the amount of installment in later years….. but it should be in multiples of 100s

  36. respected sir,
    my quistion is every month same deposit instalment ? ex. one month rs. 1000 2nd month Rs. 5000 3rd month Rs.500 curect instalment ?

    • Dear Vimal

      you can alter your deposit amount …but for every month you can’t change it……to the best of my knowledge government has to issue clarification in this regard…. but one thing is sure…that you can increase your instalment amount in future subject to T&co

  37. Girl is one year old Born in England British Citizen Parents canot afford I am distantly related to child Can I pay Monthly /Yearly Deposit ? When I die Then ? Can I get Monthly Interest acrued on deposits ? Can I make one time deposit for 14 years?

    • Dear Sai Prem

      As per post office rules account can not be opened on the name of a girl who is not an Indian citizen…. so you can not open this account

  38. Dear Sir,
    It appears that the girl child is eligible to get the maturity amount when her marriage gets settled, even before the official maturity date (i.e. 21 years). What proof or document has to be produced in support of her ensuing marriage?
    Also for higher studies, what evidence to be produced to get a part of it (50% of preceding year’s balance).

    • Dear debajit

      we have to wait for some time to know the details like such comprehensively. Government of India i e., MCA is now working on this scheme regarding formulation of complete rules and terms

  39. If I had to discontinue payments in future before maturity ie before the age of 21 for my own financial problems, would it get lapsed. Or whatever deposited will be returned with interest on maturity?


      Government of India has not issued any clarification and choice of discontinuance of this account…. So we have to wait for these updates from MCA

  40. Dear Sir,

    muje ye samaj mai nhi a raha ki ek sal mai dene hai 12000 ya per month dene hai..pla mujhe bataeye””” kya ek saal mai v de skte hai?

  41. Sir i opened ssa for my 6 months child Sir if i invest 12000 per annum for 14 much maturity amount will i get at the age of 21. For my child…
    If intrest is not fixed every year..i think there is no meaning in investing this scheme…
    Is there any scheme better than this???
    Suggest me sir

    • Dear Rafi

      “This is the best investment in non risk categories …and high amount of interest rate……even though interest rate is not fixed for all years the government will declare a good rate of interest every year to encourage the public to invest something on their girl child future.

  42. Sir,

    Thanks a lot for your immense help. One query. I can only invest Rs.1000/- per month now, but I may be able to invest more next year and increase in the subsequent years. Is this possible?

    Jayakumar .V

    • Hi Jayakumar,

      It’s possible to increase the amount of deposit in subsequent years in accordance with the governing rules which are to be issued yet..

    • Dear Pradeep,

      Thanks for your appreciating words…. If we get this kind of encouraging comments from readers ,our efforts and time will be more in making the things much useful & user friendly.

    • I can only invest Rs.1000/- per month now, but I may be able to invest more next year and increase in the subsequent years. Is this possible? Please give me reply through my E-mail address or mobile No. 09862474417

    • Mukul,

      As of now online payment is not available. But in future the same may be facilitated by the government.

  43. Dear Mr Venkat

    I’m a govt employee and get posted to new places frequently, my query is that can I open the acct at a particular post office and get the maturity benefits at other post offices all over the country or I will have to contact the same post office for future correspondence. Although I’m sure about the answer that but my application for opening the acct has been rejected by a post office with similar remarks. Pl advice.

    Regards, Yash

    • Dear Faujdar

      You are not eligible for open an account under this scheme. The account may be opened by the natural or legal guardian in the name of a girl child from the birth of the girl child till she attains the age of ten years (10 Years) and any girl child, who had attained the age of ten years

  44. Hi Venkat,

    My daughter born in USA and have USA citizenship. Currently i am living in India with my family. Can i open Sukanya account for her? Or is it only for Girl child born in India only.


  45. Hi Venkat,

    We have opened the sukanaya account for my daughter in Haryana post office. Can I get it transferred to Noida post office?

    It will be easy for me to operate.

    • Hello Malvika,

      No official information is there from government regarding the documents to be submitted for transfer of account.
      Soon they will issue the full information on all possible issues…

  46. Sir,

    Is there is any news to open this account in SBI or any other PSB. I am tried to open in SBI, but they inform that they have no idea about this scheme and they are not yet received any documents from their top.

    • Hello Ajay,

      Many banks were not officially informed by the top management as they are in the process of formulating the required rules for better administration.
      I hope that they will issue the notification at the earliest.

  47. dear sir.
    kindly let me know that if i deposite 1000 rupee per year till meturity of scheme of ssy.and rate of intrest eqely announced 9.1% by govt till 14 year.then what amount wiil be repay by govt.

    • 52605 is the maturity amount after 21 years if we assume that the deposit of 1000 is made at the beginning of April every year.

  48. Sir, I have a daughter of 7 Years. And the age limit is maximum 14 years. My question is, Can I deposit Lump sum amount of previous 6 years i.e. (12000 x 6), so i can get more benefits. And the another question is, annual onetime payment is acceptable or every month the fixed amount should be deposited.

    • Dear Kalpak,

      It’s possible to choose either to deposit monthly or annually. And no deposit can be made in respect of previous years when the account was not active…. So you can’t deposit retrospectively.

  49. Admire your patience in replying to the abundant queries.
    Am very interested to know how well this scheme has taken off and whether there have been many takers. Is it secure and will my money be safe?

    • Hello jay…
      This scheme was mainly introduced for encouraging the parents of girl children to invest something for the future of them. And it’s the first girl prosperity scheme offering such higher amount of interest ,so it’s getting tremendous response from the public. Undoubtedly your money will be secure highly.

  50. I want to go for this scheme for my niece(my sister’s daughter) in delhi.
    but i live in kolkata.
    Please clarify if i may go for it and the documents parts.

  51. hello venkat ji,
    Apart from getting interest on the deposites in this scheme , is there any additional benefit provided by government ?

    • additional benefits are in the form of exemption from tax and deduction in respect of amount contributed.
      and maturity amount is also tax free.

  52. we can improve sukanya samriddi yojana by providing provision only the account holder to take money for education under parental guidance or after the 5 years of marriage. Otherwise it increase dowry system.

  53. Its not easy to make this scheme a success overnight. Initially I found couple of news related to campaigns to open SSA in villages. But now seems like there is no news. Govt have to organise such events to spread about the benefits of this scheme.

  54. I have no girl child but my younger brother have three girl child and I want to open his one girl child account can I do this.

  55. Hi

    1) Is it a must to do this inverstment on monthly basis only?Can I pay the amount in lumpsum every year?

    2) Should I fix the yearly investment upfront or does this account gives me the privilege & flexibity to choose my investment between minimum-maximum limits every year? ( read that minimum is INR 1000/year and maximum is INR 150000/year). Say I invest INR 100000 this year and INR 50000 next year and a INR 1000 on another year when there is some financial difficulty, Investment narrated this way is possible in this account?

  56. Dear sir, In this plan Which one is better. Monthly basis or yearly basis investment ? Suppose on yearly basis iam going to pay the amount on june’15 means that will be treated as financial year basis (i.e end of march’16) or it will be treated as every june. Please let’s clarify me sir

    • Hello Ramasubramanian,
      you can decide upon whether to contribute monthly or yearly based on ur capacity.

      and it’s calculated as yearly from the first contribution and financial year.

  57. Hi,
    if account open in Mumbai and after few months we transfered to another city then can we deposite amount from relocated city

    • Hi,
      if account open in Mumbai and after few months will be transfered to another city then can we deposite amount from relocated city ?

  58. Hi Venkat,

    I couldn’t go through all the comments there are a few questions I have –

    1) Do we have to pay only till the 14the year? Can we pay for more years if we wish?
    2) Is there a cap-collar on the interest rate? For e.g. the interest rate will not dip below 8.5% or so.
    3) In case of death of the guardian/ Parents before the 14 years and if the child/ the nominated guardian is not able to pay the money, how will the child pay/get the money?
    4) Will the scheme get affected with the change in government?

    PNB has started the scheme in case anyone is interested to start it there.

    • 1.To the best of information available till now there is no line that should not contribute for more than 14 years….but government may impose restrictions for the Same in future.

      2.No cap collar limit is there.

      3.If contributing guardian dies and girl child can not continue the account further then the accumulated amount will be remitted to her.

      4.yes , this scheme will get affected by changes in government.

  59. sir my daughter was born in ABU DHABI -U.A.E. ON 18/08/2004. NOW WE ARE SEttled in indian since 2010
    and my daughter is studying in school in chennai since 2010. I have one U.A.E birth certificate as well as registered certificate from indian Embassy U.A.E. WITH THIS AGE PROOF CERTIFICATE CAN I OPEN AN ACCOUNT FOR MY DAUGHTER IN SUKANYA SAMRIDHI YOJANA.



  60. 1. Is the account transferable to my home account at sbi?
    2. Is the account linkable to my home sbi a/c or sbi a/c at the same branch & statements visible online? If so….
    3. Is the account transfer automatically or by request after/before maturity to my sbi saving account to which it is linked?
    4. How to withdraw the matured amount? Can I withdraw or It can only be withdrawn by the account holder (girl child on maturity)?
    5. Can I withdraw it from any branch of SBI in case the account is not transferrable? Or I have to approach to the same bank where account is opened.
    6. Can the amount is withdrawn by my wife in case of my death? How? Are there any extra formalities like nomination form submission?
    7. Can I deposit by making online transfers?
    8. Is the amount to be deposited on monthly basis every month? Or deposits can be made at once or more in a year any time like PPF.
    9. If my child or my wife wanted to withdraw the amount after/before maturity in case of my death , what documents she has to produce/submit to the bank against the proof of her relation to me?
    10. What will be the maturity year in which I can withdraw the amount? Is it the end of financial year closing, i.e. after 31st march of that year OR it will be withdrawn after the DOB of my child, i.e. 21st November of that year??

    • Dear sanjeet

      1,2,3,5,6,7) No full details about transfer of account and integration with online banking were yet to be issued… So we can come to know after some months… Right now no official information is there.

      4)Normally girl child is the person eligible for withdrawal of this amount except in some cases like she may be unsound etc.,

      8.deposits can be made on systematic manner like either monthly or yearly.

      9) As per the information available right now…. there is no need to submit any additional documents because at the time of opening the SSY Account the relationship is specifically mentioned as the contribution is made by natural guardian/parents.
      10)Date of maturity could be the date on which 21 years will be completed.

  61. e yojana ke bareme koye sawal ati agar suggestion mile to acche hoga 1)18 sal ke bad larki ki sadi hojaye to maturity hoga ki 50% milehe 2)bhabiswame iski rate of interest ghat jayegi ki nehi 3)Guardian ki mout hojaye to policy ki kiya hoga 4)iske paye jaye interest tax free hai ki nahi .

  62. Actually I have updated my wife name in place of My daughter name in this scheme while filling the form. When I got a pass book from post office, I came to know about it. So please suggest me how i can update my Daughter name.

  63. Excellent scheme started by Govt especially keeping Indian scenario in mind. However it should be available in online avtaar for the convenience of investor.

  64. Hi Venkat
    A question for you.
    1) Is it a must to do this inverstment on monthly basis only?Can I pay the amount in lumpsum every year?

    2) Should I fix the yearly investment upfront or does this account gives me the privilege & flexibity to choose my investment between minimum-maximum limits every year? ( read that minimum is INR 1000/year and maximum is INR 150000/year). Say I invest INR 100000 this year and INR 50000 next year and a INR 1000 on another year when there is some financial difficulty, Investment narrated this way is possible in this account?

    Read more:

    • Hello jayakrishnana,

      You can contribute either monthly or yearly as said by u.
      And minimum and max amounts are like a range of amount between what one can choose and contribute either monthly or yearly… You can change the amount of contribution but not with that much variations as said by u.

  65. Hi Venkat
    Thanks for this very helpful informations about Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme.
    I have a query regarding the scheme.
    What happens if the account holder guardian expires ?

    Say, in case of my death how the account can still be continued ?
    & what if I expire & my family becomes unable to continue the scheme ?

    • Dear Himal,

      If the account holder’s guardian who is contributing towards this SSY account expires then , the bank/po where u open the account will ask the other family members whether they are able to continue the account or not.

      if they can ,then after a few formalities they will continue ,otherwise they will remit the accumulated balance to the account holder.

  66. Hi sir, my daughter’s date of birth is 01-01-2005, I want to know, if she is eligible to open this account?

    • No,
      you can’t open an account for u r grand daughter because parents are the natural guardians when they are alive so u can’t open SSY account for u r grand daughter.

  67. My daughter’s date of birth is March 2004 and now she is 11 years completed. As per the brochure she can participate in this scheme. If required for higher education, what percentage of amount I can withdraw. By the time she turns 20 years, we would not have been paid for 14 years. My second question is will we have to close this account once she gets married off (assuming premature closure in this case). If we are not keeping the account active for 21 years, will there be any penalty for the same.

  68. hello sir,
    i want to ask a question about this scheeme. My daughters age is 6 year old and i want to ask that suppose on the marriage of my daughter what amout will be received if her age is 23-25 year. bcos as ur criteria 14 year i have to submit 1000 per month and after 7 year maturity amout will be received. it mean after the age of my daughter 6+14+7=28. please guide me i m little bit confused.

    • Dear kapil
      Maturity amount can be withdrawn after completion of marriage or on completion of 21 years from the date of opening the account, which ever is earlier

  69. This is a wonderful scheme from Modi Ji Govt. The other three social welfare schemes of insurance and pension are also great. But I want to remind my fellow citizens that whereas they should fully take advantage of these schemes we must also spread knowledge of these schemes to weaker sections of the society. Please tell your driver, maid, cook etc to avail benefit of these schemes. It is everyone’s duty to ensure that every section of society benefits from these schemes.


  70. Sir,
    my daughter’s date of birth is 02-12-2003, I want to know, if she is eligible to open SSY account ? Please ur kind response.

  71. Dear Sir,

    1) If in future SSY A/c will be disconnect or late for deposite the cash of any reason that time, If kind punish (late payment charges & any other charges) from bank or post office.

    For exampal: – Economical condition will become bad EXT…

    Sir plz advise me

  72. Sir, Please inform if the girl Date of birth is 15-12-2004, can she eligible to open the Sukaniya account i.e. get the benefit of one year grace period.

  73. Sir,

    Kindly clarify the following points:

    1) My daughter is now 10+years old. What would happen in case she gets married between 18 to 24 years of her age because the term period of 14 years won’t get completed and one can no more operate the SSY a/c. after the marriage of the girl child? Although it has been mentioned in the schime that after attaining 18years and getting married the girl has to close the account and this can be done before the maturity period of 21 years, it is not clear whether the same rule is applicable before the completion of the term period of 14 years.

    2) Should the deposit amount be fixed and to be done regularly throughout one FY or can I deposit different amounts in irregular gaps?

    3) In terms of ultimate assured returns, how do you rate this scheme vis-a-vis PPF or APY?


  74. Sir,

    I have a query. I opened SSA account in name of my gal child. she is of 1 years now.

    My queries are as below:

    1. I want to change her name other than his birth certificate when she goes to school. Will it create problem on maturity as name will be differ and we have to provide KYC at that time. Is there any provision to change name of child in scheme. what should I do now???

    2. Can I deposit amount in Post office SSA Account from anywhere in India without passbook.


  75. Dear Sir,

    Is there any other benefit under SSY like insurance cover or income tax benefit.

    Ashish Shaha

    • Dear sir ,

      At the time of opening the a/c of SSY my child as per birth certificate but in other docs is differ , pls confirm what types of problem creat at the time of got maturity amts . 9308745971

  76. Dear Sir.
    If i am opening sukanya samriddhi yojana account in the name of my 3 year old daughter.after 21 years the maturity amount will goes to my daughter account without my consent.Please clarify.

    Reji varghese

  77. Dear Sir,

    My daughter was born on 16.01.2005 can i open account in sukanya samriddhi yojana.
    please reply me.

    Kind Regards

  78. Dear Sir, my Two daughter can i open account in sukanya samriddhi yojana in bank state bank of india/State bank of Patiala

  79. Res sir
    I want to open SSY account for my daughter but i dont have adhar card and voter id. Can i sumit passport as a i.d proof and ration card as addres proof…

  80. sir,
    if i have deposit 1000 rupees per anum than what will be maturity amount after completion of 21 year from the opening of accont

  81. Hello I have 3 daughters first two are not eligible due to their age for this scheme but my 3rd daughter ca as she is five year old can I still be able to open an account for her.

  82. Hi,

    Could you please respond to my query below on the SSY scheme? Thank you in advance!

    Can both father and mother open different SSY accounts in different banks in the name of their only daughter? Is this valid, as the two different accounts are opened by different guardian?

  83. Hi Venkat,

    Thank you for the detailed articles and the queries your are replying to. I have a small doubt. Recently I opened a SSA account for my daughter through Post Office. I want to know if we have to maintain the same deposit amount every month or can it vary each and every month (and as long as it doesn’t exceed 1,50,000.00 per year). Kindly advice as I would like to transfer the incentives that I get every month (which is not consistant) to this scheme. For example, let’s say i get 3000 RS this month but get 4500RS next and third month I am unable to deposit. So will that be ok? Please respond.

  84. sir, i am telling my query regarding my 8 years age daughter, who is suffering down syndrom (75% severity). So, I would ask you that is she eligible to open account for my daughter under the scheme of SUKANYA SAMRDIDHI YOJANA.

    Waiting for reply.


  85. Dear Sir,

    kindly confirm …. Is it compulsory to deposit pass-book amount per month.

    actually due to some server problems in Ghaziabad Bazaria post office i have not deposit this October month entry.

    kindly confirm …….Is there any issues in future or not , also can we submit next month this amount.

    with regards
    Praveen Sharma

    • Hi Praveen Sharma

      Yes it is t compulsory to deposit pass-book amount per month but if you can face server problem then you can deposit amount in next month, please contact to your post office or bank for more details.

  86. Hi Sir,

    I have question with respect to withdrawal of amount during maturity. At the time of maturity who can withdraw the amount? Is it my daughter alone or both daughter and parent or either of them?

    • Saritaji you can open account of ssc in any bank of yours…. please take ssc for from any bank in which you have your account.. you need your id proof and your baby’s birth certificate and ssc form with 3 photographs of your baby attach all the documents and deposit 1000 rs with the form…
      for any other information you can call me 09408052625..

  87. Hi Venkat,

    Need a small clarification, Rs 1,000 is fixed per every year on these scheme or can we pay more for baby’s future benefits
    I can see upto Rs1.5Lkhs per year so just taught to confirm if we can pay 24,000.00 per year

    Please advice on these

  88. I have opened a account in my daughter name Now if I die before the maturity date and my daughter is still a minor, how should the account be closed

  89. Sir, I have a sukanya samruddhi yojana account of my daughter. But my wife too wants to open an account of sukanya samruddhi yojana of the same daughter but in another bank. Is it possible?


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